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Endo Marketing


Next Move Business Consultancy is a creative agency focusing on the most important asset which is the human capital. Endo Marketing helps you connect with your employees.

One of our key services is Endo Marketing.


Determine Company Culture


Asses Employees Needs


Design Internal Communication Toolkit


Implement Internal CommunicationToolkit

Next Move Business Consultancy helps your organization achieve Employee satisfaction with a successful internal marketing strategy thus


Few things leave an employee as frustrated and unmotivated as the feeling of not being heard, that is, of being ignored by his superiors and his company as a whole.


Therefore, one of the best practices of endomarketing is to provide efficient and adequate solutions for Internal communication to enable the communication between peers and subordinates.


At Next Move we take into consideration the size and profile of your organization, when providing solutions to your wants and needs, while using the correct language to meet your company’s strategy


Contact us if you are ready to make the Next Move within your organization.

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